Not a single case of the Bulgarian train (voters arriving at the polling stations with filled out ballots and leaving with blank ballots) wasrecorded nor were there any cases of inducing voters to vote for any particular political subject; however, one case of intimidation or pressure on voters was recorded.
Between 1 to 10 cases of voting without valid identification documents were recorded at eight (8) polling stations.
The cases of voters being turned away from the polling stations because they were not on the excerpt from the Central Voters’ Register were recorded at more than 60% of the polling stations (up to 10 such cases). More than 10 such cases were recorded at one polling station.
The Coalition’s observers recorded family voting at two thirds of the polling stations (up to 10 cases of this type of irregularity) and more than 10 such cases were recorded at one polling station.
At more than 40% of the polling stations, one person assisted multiple persons with voting in the ballot booth, and more than 10 such cases were recorded at two polling stations.
Long presence of unauthorised persons was recorded at one polling station. The measures for preventing the Covid-19 spread were neither applied nor observed in 6.8% of the cases.
The Coalition’s observers were prevented from unhindered observation of the electoral process at three (3) polling stations and objections filed by observers were recorded at 13 polling stations.
The Coalition Pod lupom has via its toll-free number and online received reports on 23 electoral irregularities. Of the 23 reports, 7 citizens claimed that the special Covid-19 mobile team never appeared at their address even though they had previously registered for type of voting. The City Election Commission was notified of this issue. One citizen reported the same type of irregularity in the case of voting through a regular mobile team.
The Coalition monitors the information on the voter turnout. The recorded turnout in the 2020 Local Elections in Mostar was 54.4% as of 6 p.m. with margin of error +/- 1,31 % on the .95 of confidence interval. The turnout is by 5.6% higher than the turnout registered at the same time in the November 15 Local elections in BiH, which is encouraging.
The closing of the polls was conducted in compliance with the regulations. All polling stations closed by 7:15 p.m., except for one that closed after 7:15 p.m. At 1.4% of the polling stations that did not close on time, citizens that were outside the polling stations at 7 p.m. were not allowed to vote. All members of the polling station committees were present at the time of the polls closing; the exception are two polling stations.
After the polling stations closed, the Coalition has received a report that observers at the polling station 155A014 are participating in determining the results together with members of the polling station committees. The City Election Commission has been notified of this issue and will check into the report.
At the polling station 155A003, one Coalition’s observer and one observer of a political subject were removed from the polling station, however, they eventually returned to the poll. The Coalition’s observers are currently monitoring the counting process.
The information on the election-day process, determination of the election day results and preliminary assessment of the Election Day in Mostar will be presented in a press release that is to be published tomorrow (21 December 2020) at 11 a.m. at the Pod Lupom’s web page