Central Election Commission announces the Call for general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, consisting of a choice of levels:
- BiH Presidency (3 members)
- Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly (42 deputies)
- The House of Representatives of the Federation of BiH (98 deputies)
- The president and two vice-presidents of the Republic of Srpska
- National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska (83 delegates)
- Assembly of the 10 cantons in the Federation of BiH (289 deputies)
BiH Presidency
Two members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosniac and Croat) candidates and elected from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in one constituency, while in the territory of the Republic of Srpska as a constituency nominate the third member of the (Serb).
The Parliamentary Assembly of BiH
The Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two chambers – the House of Representatives and House of Peoples. In the election of delegates in the House of Representatives when the Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the total 42 seats in the Federation elected 28 (from five multi-member constituencies) and in the Republic of Srpska 14 deputies (out of three multi-member constituencies). From the Federation 21 members shall be elected directly by the proportional electoral system, and the remaining 7 seats are called. Compensation mandates, whose role is to compensate for the scattered voices generated by the existence of constituencies. In the distribution of compensatory mandates involved only the political parties and coalitions, but not independent candidates. According to the same principle, 14 mandates from the Republic of Srpska will be allocated, and in a way the 9 members shall be elected directly, while the rest is determined by the compensation list. Delegates in the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be elected indirectly in The Entity parliaments.
Federation Parliament
Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall consist of 98 members, of which all the constituent peoples must go to at least four places. Most of the seats (approximately 70%) is determined within the 12 multi-member constituencies, while the rest is determined by the compensation list. Similar to the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina or the Federation Parliament failed to bring the size of constituencies before the elections, which led to a great deal of difference in the severity of the voice. If a political subject that has received compensatory place does not have enough candidates on its list of ethnicity that does not reach a minimum of four members, this place is awarded next best-ranked candidates list of such candidates, so. Until the minimum is reached. Within the Federation of BiH Parliament House of Peoples there, which makes 58 delegates, and 17 from the constituent peoples and 7 of the others, who are delegated out of the members of cantonal assemblies in accordance with the Election Act. In FBiH are elected representatives in the 10 cantonal assemblies. The number of representatives in the assemblies is between 20 and 35 depending on the number of voters registered in the Central Voters Register.
National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska
Similar solutions you apply when selecting 83 representatives in the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska. Legislative power in the Republic of Srpska National Assembly made in the House of Peoples. The National Assembly elected the 83 deputies from 9 multi-member constituencies, while the House of Peoples consists of 8 Serbs, 8 Bosniaks, Croats 8 and 4 of the Others, who chose an appropriate caucuses in the RS National Assembly, and whose primary function is launching the procedure for the protection of vital national interest.
Assembly of Brčko District of BiH
Assembly of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of thirty-one deputies, including two MPs representing national minorities in the District. Councillor’s are elected in general, free, fair, and direct elections by secret ballot, in accordance with the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the District. Assembly of Brcko District of BiH is the legislative body of the District, who is responsible and determine the general policy of the District, in accordance with Article 22 of the Statute of Brcko District BiH.Mandate Assembly is four years.
The President and Vice-Presidents of the Republic of Srpska
The president and two vice-presidents of the Republic of Srpska, who are directly elected from the territory of the Republic of Srpska, elected by voters registered in the Central Voters Register to vote in the Srpska Republic. A voter registered in the Central Voters Register to vote for the President of the Republic of Srpska can only vote for one candidate. You select a candidate from each constituent people receiving the highest number of votes. Among the three candidates, one from each constituent people, the president is elected the candidate who receives the most votes, and the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes on the second and third place shall be elected Vice Presidents.
The President and Vice-Presidents of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
In electing the President and Vice President of the Federation, at least one third of the delegates constituent peoples’ caucuses in the House of Peoples of the Federation propose candidates for the office of President and Vice President of the Federation. Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH shall vote on one or several joint slates composed of three candidates including one candidate from each constituent people. A list that receives the majority of votes in the House of Representatives shall be elected if the majority of votes in the House of Peoples of the Federation, including a majority of the votes caucuses of each constituent people.
Cantonal Assemblies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Canton Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutions and legislative body in the cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It consists of a single home, with the number of delegates is determined in proportion to the ethnic structure of the population. Lawmakers in the Canton Assembly mandated four years to be elected to the democratic and direct elections by secret ballot on the whole territory of cantons. Each voter has the right to vote for any registered party. Before each election, each registered party shall publish a list of candidates. The cantonal representatives shall be elected from the top of the list of the party according to the number of votes obtained. Replacements for Members shall be made from the remainder on that list, and each voter can be elected to the cantonal delegates. In the assemblies of 10 cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the 289 deputies.
Cities / Municipalities
The municipal mayor or the mayor shall be elected in accordance with the Election Law, the constitutions, the entity laws and the statute of the municipality or city. Mayor or the mayor elected by voters registered in the Central Voters Register in that constituency. Members of the City Council, Assemblies elect municipal councils or municipal assemblies which form the City. Mandates for the City Council or Assembly shall be allocated to candidate lists according to the proportional representation system of political parties, coalitions, list of independent candidates or groups of members. Allocation of seats among candidates from the same list shall be done according to the order on the list of candidates for this election. Each City Council or the Assembly shall elect a mayor and president of the city council, and city council, as defined by law and statute.
The mandate of the elected at all levels is 4 years, but do not match the electoral cycles for the various levels of local government. Reflecting the complex constitutional arrangement of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the election system is a combination of almost all known electoral principles: the principle of majority and one member and multi-member constituencies for the election of members of the BiH Presidency, the President and Vice President of Republic Srpska and the Mayor / Mayor of cities / municipalities and proportional principle with multi-member constituencies Unit choice composition of parliaments / assemblies and representative bodies at the local level. Election Law provided for the threshold of 3% which political actors who have crossed the threshold are qualified to participate in the distribution of the ordinary mandate and applies to all races based on the proportional system. The voters have the opportunity to semi-open lists of candidates, other than a political party, to vote for and some of the candidates on the list, and the preferred method of determining which of the candidates received the highest trust of voters and political parties on the basis of which is determined and when the individual age mandate. The election administration in BiH make Election Commission (the Central Election Commission and local election commissions).