In May 2022, the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CEC BiH) passed INSTRUCTION on procedure of adjudicating complaints and appeals submitted to the election commissions according to which the decisions of CEC BiH are published on the CEC BiH website.
We remind you that, since 2016, the Coalition “Pod lupom” advocated its recommendation that “CEC BiH should timely publish information about received complaints and decisions about them on its website”. The same recommendation was an integral part of the Final Reports of the Coalition “Pod lupom” on election observation in 2018 and 2020.
In the press release of the CEC BiH they stated that the CEC BiH is fully opened to the public in its work and that transparent work is one of the priorities of this state institution, which is why they started with the new practice.
The Coalition “Pod lupom” points out that the public publication of objections and decisions certainly represents an improvement in the electoral process, even if this improvement comes after six years of pointing out to the necessity to implement this recommendation of the Coalition “Pod lupom”.
The public will also be able to access an overview of the complaints and appeals received during the election period, submitted to the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with their status indicated.
Overview of received complaints and appeals with the status as of September 19, 2022 can be viewed on the website of the CEC BiH , on the subsection 2022 General Elections /Complaints and Appeals under the link: .
The overview will be updated weekly.