Coalition “Pod lupom” is particularly satisfied due to the fact that Coalitions’ recommendations to advance Election Law are incorporated into CEC’s recommendations. These recommendations are products of extensive observation of 2014 General elections and 2016 Local elections in BiH. Following are the most significant amendments proposed by BiH CEC:
– To establish an independent function of the president of the polling station committees, who will be elected trough public call during non-election year; and who will be appointed by municipal / city election commission, which will be held accountable for their work;
– To introduce monetary sanctions on political entities whose proposed members of the polling station committees are found to have violated the provisions of the BiH Election Law;
– To prevent misuse of public funds by introducing, into the BiH Election Law, the ban preventing usage of public funds for self- promotion or political party promotion;
– To introduce early voting for right-to-vote voters who are not able to vote on Election Day on their polling stations due to justified reasons;
– To prevent abuse of national affiliation by introducing a provision by which, in the case that national affiliation is changed during the four-year electoral cycle, into account will be taken the national affiliation of candidates given on the 2013 Population Census;
– To create preconditions so to introduce new technologies into the electoral process by specifying that voting is conducted manually on ballot papers or electronically.
The Coalition “Pod lupom” advocates introduction of these and other significant improvements into BiH Election Law and makes its capacities available to the competent institutions at all stages of this process so to contribute to a common goal – free and fair elections for all BiH citizens without discrimination.
All priority Recommendations of the Coalition “Pod lupom” to advance elections in BiH can be found on the link
For all additional information please contact PR coordinator of the Coalition “Pod lupom” Jovana Kljajić via e-mail or by phone 033 268 160 and 065 252 016.