Mobile teams have reported to local election commissions more than 50 critical situations out of which the most frequent ones were not allowing the Coalition’s observers to enter polling stations; removal of blank ballots from polling stations (for example, Bihać: BM 003A046, Livno: BM106A010, BM106A011); not allowing observers to observe the counting of ballots received before the opening of polling station; observers voting at polling stations where they are not registered (Stolac, BM176A011); and voting on behalf of other people (Stolac, BM 176A007). Other irregularities were failure to read voters’ names out loud during identification. The Coalition has received several complaints from different polling stations claiming that there were more than two people in the voting booth in Jajce. In the area of Doboj, in the municipality Mitrovići at polling station 038B060, an observer has reported offers made by parties’ observers to ‘make a deal’ and ‘look away’ during the counting process.
Regional offices of the Coalition have received more than 140 complaints by citizens. The majority concern agitation of voters around polling stations, deceased persons being on voter lists, vote buying, distribution of copies of ballots with marked political subjects, and the presence of campaign materials around polling stations.
There have been many complaints against SDA in the area of Tuzla Canton (Živinice, Lukavac, Tuzla, Banovići). They mostly concern bribery of voters, offers to persons present to reach a consensus and vote for those who did not vote, buying food for voters and general agitation to vote for that party. In the areas of Cazin and Zvornik, there have been several complaints about marking of ballots to add votes for specific candidates in cases of preferential voting.