Elma Tahmaz by profession is Master of International Law, on this occasion she opened the opportunity to be familiar with another integral part of the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She emphasized that in the event that there is sufficient knowledge and willingness of the competent authorities for a change, then the results of this working group can serve as a very good basis for the discussion and adoption of the attempts of some new legal solutions or modifications of existing ones.
“Given the large number of interested parties who wanted to participate in this project, and the great dedication of colleagues who have worked on it, it is obvious that the will for change of electoral process is existing. What is important is that the coalition of this type exists and is actively engaged in current issues concerning the electoral process, and as much as you can influence the governmental authorities of which depends on whether and how the results of this work to adopt. “
Srđan, who is a graduate student of the Law Faculty in Banja Luka, has previously been involved in the Coalition as a long-term observer in previous elections, during the time he created a further desire to continue to work and cooperate with the Coalition.
“I believe that the work of this task force has tremendous potential not only in relation to the improvement of the electoral law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but as a serious research project that is not implemented in the near future, especially not in this way. So we have the potential, now remains on the competent authorities to recognize all this and pay attention to all of the studies, whether in changing or adoption of a new electoral law at the state level. “
After the presented Analysis of electoral committees (http://podlupom.org/bih/vijest.php?ID=61), Task Force diligently ends next two analysis on topics “Election deadlines in the Member States of the OSCE” and “Protection of Electoral Rights in the member states of the OSCE ” which will be presented in early July at the expert roundtable in Sarajevo.
As Srđan pointed out, after all ahead most important and difficult part,the main task is to try adjust the results of the analysis of our legal system and actually implement it in practice.
(Coalition ‘Pod lupom’ will continuously inform the public about the work of researchers and end results of the survey.)