The Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod Lupom” informs the public that 116 civic, non-partisan observers monitor the Election Day processes at almost all polling stations and in the City of Prijedor Election Commission. All Coalition’s observers have been allowed access to all polling stations to which they have been assigned.
The Coalition’s observers have thus far monitored the arrangement and opening of the polling stations. They will continue monitoring the voting process, the closing of the polls, counting, and election irregularities. In coordination with the Coalition’s Call Center, the observers will work to eliminate irregularities to ensure unhindered implementation of the election process in line with the Election Law of BiH.
Thus far, the Coalition’s observers registered that the obligation of members of the polling station committee to arrive to the polling station at 6. a.m. was not fulfilled at 15.7 % of the polling stations.
At the polling station 009B100 there were 39 fewer ballot papers than the registered voters, which is contrary to the rules. At two polling stations (009B002-A and 009B038) a manual counting of ballot papers was not performed the opening of the poll.
A list of members of the polling station committee was not displayed at almost half of the polling stations (40.9%) in Prijedor, whereas, at the remaining polling stations it was not possible to see which political subjects were represented by members of the polling station committees. The Pod Lupom Coalition emphasizes that it is necessary to display the name of political subjects next to the members of polling station committees to contribute to the transparency of the election process and prevent trading seats on polling station committees.
Four polling stations (009B26, 009B29, 009B83, 009B84) in Prijedor were not organized according to the BiH Central Election Commissions Instruction on Procedure of Conducting Elections on Election Day During the Covid-19 epidemic.
The secrecy of the vote has been ensured at all polling stations in Prijedor, that is, the voting booths were set up in a way so that no one could see how a voter voted. At all polling stations, the ballot box was shown empty before the opening of the poll.
Most of the polling stations opened exactly at 7 a.m., while slight delays of up to 15 minutes were registered at five polling stations.
We call on all citizens of Prijedor to report election irregularities using our toll-free line 080 05 05 05 or the Coalition’s social media channels.
The “Pod Lupom” Coalition will hold its first press conference at 11:00 am, at Hotel Prijedor (Srpskih Velikana 14).