These are pertaining to situations in which some people helped others to vote although, according to observers of the Coalition “Pod lupom”, these people did not need help at all. According to the BiH Election Law, voting assistance may be used by blind, illiterate or physically incapable persons. Polling station committees at polling stations Trnovo Elementary School (Osnovna škola)(142B001) and Wood Factory (Tvornica drveta) (142B003) allowed unnecessarily help to be performed in voting in 32 cases which is suggesting to organized abuse with the aim to influence voters. After observers submitted their objections in the Record on the Work of the Polling Station Committee, this practice of helping other people during the voting has been stopped.
The Mobile Team of the Coalition “Pod lupom” visited all polling stations and also is reacting to reports on suspicions of irregularities in voting process. In addition to the aforementioned, a larger group of people has been noticed in front of polling stations.
The Coalition invites citizens of this municipality to vote. The polling stations will be closed at 19:00 PM. Citizens of municipality of Trnovo RS can report any irregularities on phone number 060 340 4832.
We use this opportunity to remind you that the Coalition’s next public announcement on voting, closing of polling stations and possible incidents during the entire Election Day is scheduled to be published at 21:00 PM.
For all additional information please contact PR coordinator of the Coalition “Pod lupom” Jovana Kljajić via e-mail or by phone 033 268 160 and 065 252 016.