In the light of the announced amendments to the Election Law of BiH, Coalition “Pod lupom” issued a press release emphasizing the importance to introduce new technologies as well as to reform Pooling Station Committees in BiH elections.
In the Coalition “Pod lupom” they state that the priority of the electoral reform must be the prevention of proven, but unfortunately not adequately sanctioned, electoral theft and fraud.
The best way to do this is to introduce new technologies into the election process – specifically, electronic voter identification, ballot scanners and entry of the voting results into the electronic system of the BiH CEC (JIIS) at the polling station immediately after the results of the vote for every electoral race are determined. They also note that almost 100,000 citizens of BiH signed a petition at the beginning of 2022, so to introduce electronic voter identification and ballot scanners in BiH elections.
Additionally, it is necessary to urgently change the method to elect Pooling Station Committees members – to introduce a non-party president and deputy, and to narrow the possibility to nominate the remaining Pooling Station Committees members to parliamentary political subjects.
The aforementioned improvements prevent double voting, voting in the names of deceased people or those who did not turn out for the elections, abuse of unused ballots, adding votes and annulling votes for political opponents, as well as other types of election theft and fraud committed by party supporters in the election administration.
The Coalition “Pod lupom” calls on the political parties, which are part of the state government, not to betray the trust and expectations of citizens, and to seriously improve the electoral process in accordance with the priorities and recommendations of relevant institutions, organizations and independent election observers.