According to the decision of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which passed the Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina on March 26, 2024, the public has the right to view excerpts from the Central Voters’ List by displaying temporary excerpts from the Central Voters’ List via the website of the CEC BiH, taking into account the principles of personal data protection.
The Central Voters’ List and excerpts from the Central Voters’ List are public with the aim to ensure the accuracy and overall integrity of the Central Voters’ List. The Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina stipulates that the extract from the Central Voter’s List contains the voter’s surname and first name, date of birth, name of one of the voter’s parents, the name of the municipality or electoral unit for which the voter has the right to vote, the name and number of the polling station.
The Coalition “Pod lupom” is of the opinion that any impossibility of public to access to the Central Voters’ List, in the manner prescribed by the BiH Election Law, represents an avoidance of legal obligations. Any analysis and revision of the Central Voters’ List is not possible without public inspection of this public document. Citizen-voters, as well as all other actors in the electoral process, must have a way to check whether extracts from the voter list contain deceased persons, persons who do not live at the registered address of residence, or other manipulations of the voter lists.
For this reason, the Coalition “Pod lupom” calls on the CEC BiH to publish excerpts from the Central Voters’ List on its website, in accordance with the law.