To strengthen the understanding of the applicable legislation and build the capacity of staff to successfully navigate the legal maze, the Coalition ” Pod lupom ” proposes policy measures that can contribute to capacity building of not only the Coalition’s staff but also the citizens and other civil society organizations. The Coalition will strive to motivate and inform citizens, especially young voters, about the importance of elections and active participation in the electoral process through activities such as educational workshops, seminars and trainings. The results expected are the increased participation of young people and the different actors of civil society in the electoral process in order to have an effective and functional network of vocal advocates.
- Designed and implemented a system of capacity building and empowerment of citizens’ system across the country, particularly aimed at young voters;
- Designed and implemented a system of capacity building and knowledge transfer system for the different actors of civil society across the country.
- Conferences on electoral issues at central and regional level;
- Public consultations on electoral issues;
- Conferences on issues related to political entities work organisation at the central and
regional level.