The Coalition’s observers were present at 1,402 polling stations and observed the work of 142 Municipality Election Commissions. Mobile teams visited an additional 550 polling stations.
Observers recorded a few dozen critical incidents,, out of which nine were related to voting on behalf of another person. In one case, family voting for eight people was observed. Another critical incident concerned a group of people that voted several times.
At approximately 40% of polling stations, at least one case of family voting was recorded, but only at a few stations were more than six such situations observed.
In the majority of cases where voters were sent away from polling stations, no more than five voters were sent away. Brčko saw higher rates of this, with more than six voters per polling station being sent away. Between 6 and 25 voters were sent away from 17% of polling stations in Brčko, and more than 25 voters were sent away at 14% of Brčko polling stations. The reason for this is likely because voters in Brčko had to choose entity citizenship in order to vote, and did not do so until the deadline.
In approximately 20 to 30% of polling stations, there was at least one case of a person helping voters multiple times. However, only at a couple of polling stations did this occur more than six times.
Voting without valid identification documents was recorded at 4% of polling stations.
92% of polling stations were closed by 7:15 pm and the remaining 8% were closed by 8 pm.
99.7% of observers were allowed access to observe the counting process. The Coalition’s observers are still observing the counting process and reporting to the call center. The Coalition will report again after the votes have been counted.