The Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod lupom” is currently implementing an activity entitled “Young Lawyers for Better Elections in BiH” aimed at building the capacity of selected young lawyers from BiH in the fight against election irregularities, but also creating potential for turning these young lawyers into an active group that will use their skills and knowledge related to the protection of electoral law for the benefit of the wider community in the future.
Seven members of the team “Young Lawyers for Better Elections in BiH” have so far attended 4 trainings on the following topics: “BiH Election Law and BiH Election System” lectured by Mr. Vehid Šehić, President of the Strategic Board of the Coalition “Pod lupom”; “Significance and role of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the Constitutional Court of BiH and their impact on the elections in BiH and the election system of BiH” lectured by Mr. Faris Vehabović, judge of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg; “Election irregularities” lectured by Mr. Srđan Ostojić and Mr. Zoran Petoš, on behalf of the Coalition “Pod lupom” and “Mechanisms for the Protection of Election Rights in BiH” lectured by Mrs. Jasmina Hadžiabdić, a law graduate.
In order to further strengthen their capacity, study visits were organized for the members of the team “Young Lawyers for Better Elections in BiH”, in the period from 15 to 16 March, 2022. Young Lawyers visited the Main Office of the Coalition “Pod lupom”, OSCE Mission to BiH, the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, the Council of Europe and the Central Election Commission of BiH.
Cilj studijskih posjeta je da se mladim pravnicima/ama pruži priliku da se upoznaju sa organizacijom rada i najvažnijim funkcijama pomenutih institucija, kao i o njihovim nadležnostima, pravima i odgovornostima u svom radu.
The purpose of study visits is to give young lawyers the opportunity to get acquainted with the work and the most important functions of the above-mentioned institutions, as well as their competencies, rights and responsibilities in their work.