Opportunity for training of young lawyers through a three-month engagement in the Coalition for Nenad was a big challenge. In addition to personal development, he was mostly attracted by the main goal of working formed group of researchers / collaborators.
,,Initially I was most attracted to the very idea of work on the study of foreign legislation and finding interesting solutions that could potentially be useful for the improvement of the domestic legal system. I think that’s a great way to spread the point of view of young lawyers, closer to meeting the political and social structure of the state of the OSCE, as well as personal development in a legal segment, which is of great importance for the transitional society, such as ours.”
Nenad said that past experience with the working group was more than positive, and he hopes that the analysis and research that are working for will use for the purpose of potential solutions to the electoral legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
,,We believe that the extensive and detailed data point to the existing gaps will offer new ideas that are so far not sufficiently contemplated. Judging by the interest and the comments of members of the legislature and the Central Election Commission at the first roundtable Electoral legislation: electoral committees (http://podlupom.org/en/vijest.php?ID=61), I would say that the objectives of the working group has already achieved . The updated these issues, presented a wide range of potential solutions, and we expect that will be made selection of the best of them and that will lead to the improvement of the local electoral system.”
Analysis of electoral committees is presented at the first round table, and now the working group has a new challenges. The formation of the working group certainly has created a network of young and capable individuals who can greatly contribute to their work and results to the improvement of the electoral process.
(Coalition ‘Pod lupom’ will continuously inform the public about the work of researchers and end results of the research.)