“We keep moving forward” – This is the message from the members of the Coalition „Pod lupom“
The Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod lupom” implemented a seven-day campaign to introduce new technologies in the election process in BiH. More than 60,000 citizens of BiH signed a petition to prevent election theft and fraud on Election Day by introducing electronic identification of voters and machines to scan ballots.
The Coalition “Pod lupom” in cooperation with more than 60 CSOs invited citizens to sign the petition in more than 70 cities and municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and announced that the campaign will continue for the next seven days, until the end of 2021.
Due to the great support of citizens for the introduction of new technologies in the election process, we decided to extend our campaign for additional seven days so to enable citizens who have not succeeded so far to sign a petition to do so in order to support free and fair elections. We keep moving forward! – this is the message of the members of the Coalition “Pod lupom”.
Citizens can also sign the petition of the Coalition “Pod lupom” online by clicking on the link: https://podlupom.org/peticija/
The Coalition “Pod lupom” uses this opportunity to thank the citizens for their trust and recognition of the importance of the campaign to introduce new technologies in the election process. It is precisely for the sake of the citizens that we will continue this campaign and invite them to sign the petition either in their local communities or online.