This kind of behaviour of participants in the electoral process, seriously distorts the integrity of the elections, thus moving BiH away from so far reached democratic standards.
Until 4:30 p.m. Coalition’s observers reported 93 critical situations. Coalition is working with the Central and Local Election Commissions to resolve these problems.
Reports are mostly related to the pressure on voters. Persuasion of voters to vote for a particular option, family voting, pressure and threats directed towards the observers, polling station committees failure to respect implementation acts of the Election Commission, voting without the valid ID, voting in someone’s name which can seriously affect final Election results.
Based on these reports, Coalition’s observers submitted a total number of 49 complaints about the regularity of the elections, out of which 37 were submitted into the minutes of work of the polling station committees. Remaining complaints couldn’t be submitted because presidents of the polling station committees didn’t want to register them although they’re obligated to do so by the BiH Election Law.
Coalition received a huge amount of citizen’s reports, most of which were due to tries to influence voters near to the polling stations by the members of political subjects and supporters, dead persons on the excerpt from the Central Voters Register, votes buying, distribution of the ballot papers that are pre-filled and other political promotional materials around the polling stations.
Besides Stolac, where elections were interrupted in the entire Municipality, about which we informed public and Central Election Commission earlier, more cases of interrupts were noted in Goražde, Jajce, Pelagićevo and Prozor.
For any additional information please contact the public relations coordinator of the Coalition „Pod lupom“, Jovana Kljajić via email or at 033 268 160 and 065 252 016.